
2011-12 Season NBA Playoffs Continue

Supra Neon Green, For Nick, if they want to get Nash, problems Supra Neon Green come from salaries. They have to stay in excellent Chinese players Lin Shuhao last season, and are most likely to pay contract, after which contracts they can pay only the remaining veteran salary contract. And that, is why they hard to chase Lamar-Lamar Odom.If Nash wants in the late career chasing the championship ring, and get a veteran to basic salary, so he signed up and maiamirehuo the championship contenders--at least, than Nick, strive to greater likelihood of coronary.If this law can be passed by in the summer of this year, Nick has the right matches any quotes from other teams, and retain production contract. So, Nick might provide a better contract for Nash. In addition, amaer may is Nash-Amare Stoudemire joined the cause, they were still retains close links. Nash will be 39 next season, but his efficiency. Last season, he led the Sun is still a 50% ball through, until the last week of regular still retains hopes of entering the playoffs, and his number of assists to reach double digits. Even in the Union\'s history, Nash was also a top shooter, may be the best pick and roll performers in the League.
2011-12 season NBA Supra Neon Green playoffs continue, maiamirehuo teams in team battle won match point lead in advancing to the final of the East. Deweien-get Wade kica-25 17 41, Le Blanc-James also has 28 points, Supra Neon Green they made the team in the third section firmly maintain the advantage after small orgasm opened the score, the sixth team to the semi-final heat in Eastern 105-93 beat the Indiana Pacers team. Heat to 4-2 out walkers teams into the Eastern finals, they will wait for the winner between the Boston Celtics and the feicheng76ren team.  
While Wang Zhizhi\'s defensive abilities was criticized, but in the system of Deng Huade Wang Zhizhi is also trying to do the best. Deng Huade said, \"Wang Zhizhi will be for the team to do a lot of things, he does not focus on defense before, but now put more effort. \"In addition to these, he returned to team-mates to make that example?\"He is a true professional, is focused on protecting one\'s own body, you don\'t have to worry about his health condition, he will adjust himself. \"Deng Huade said. In the era of Yao Ming after, if the Chinese men\'s basketball team needs someone who can lead them forward, Wang Zhizhi is certainly the man, upcoming games, Wang Zhizhi can help China men\'s basketball team. Please join me in paying tribute to the veterans.  

